主页 / Building the Gigs / 41 Laïssa Ana 626


Launch date : 2000
Country : France, Villefranche
Constructed by : Franck Pilate
Organisation : Association « Une Yole pour Villefranche »
Contact: Mail

History: The gig was built on initiative of the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche in order to valorise the ancient arsenal of the Kings of Piémont-Sardaigne. Laïssa Ana was baptised on July, 1st 2000 by Princess Marina of Savoie during a prestigious ceremony co-presided by the Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes and Victor-Emmanuel of Savoie, son of the last King of Italy. Laïssa Ana means ‘Laissez courir’ (order to disarm the oars) in Nice’s dialect. The boat received a national award for the quality of her construction during « Brest 2000 ». She participated to Brest 2000, several Vogalonga editions in Venice, and different Bantry Gig gatherings in France.