ಮುಖಪುಟ / Building the Gigs / 52 Creuza de Mä 99

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Launch date : 2004
Country : Italy, Genova
Constructed by : Bruce Halabisky and Brian McClellan
Organisation : Atlantic Challenge Genova
Contact: Mail

History: Crêuza de mä, means "path/ muletrack to the sea". it's also the title of a song by a famous genoese songwriter, Fabrizio de Andrè. Our association was born in 2002; a small group of the brandnew crew was sent to Rockland (Maine) to get the first contact to a Bantry gig. In that occasion, the crew made the very first sails set of our boat. Crêuza de mä, , was built in the harbour of Genoa by a team of american shipwrights (from the shipyard of Rockland) helped by local fishermen. The boat was launched just one month before the start of the International contest of seamanship 2004 (Fishguard, Wales). Since that time, Crêuza de mä has joined every international contest, but also has actively participated in local and national events in the field of wooden boats and seamanship tradition.